1. The maximum entry age for an Insured and / or nominated family dependants is under 65 or 75 years (depending on the selected option).
  2. Cover for all nominated family members is for whole of life. (Children and extended family members included). 
  3. Unmarried mentally/ physically disabled children who are totally and completely dependent on the Main Member will be covered as long as policy is in force. 
  4. Cover will be provided for a maximum of 5 or 9 nominated family members. (e.g., Spouse, additional Spouses, Children, Dependent Children, Extended Family) 
  5. Once the main member’s cover ceases, the policy can be taken over by any nominated family member. 
  6. For all cash premiums keep receipts as proof of payment. 
  7. The underwriter reserves the right to cancel the policy with 31 (thirty- one) day’s notice at any stage after the firs 12 (twelve) months guarantee period for whatsoever reason.
  8. The Client hereby acknowledges that their application was submitted to Exodec (Pty) ltd. using a digital WhatsApp channel and that they want to receive important information and updated over WhatsApp, SMS or email from bonsella. 
  9. Unborn children will be included as a dependent from 26 weeks or more. Only two stillbirths will be accepted per family during the term of this Policy.


  1. Brothers, sisters, parents and parents- in- law can be covered as part of the 5 or 9 nominated family members. 
  2. Maximum entry age: under 65 or 75 years (depending on the selected option).
  3. Premiums for the basic benefit are quoted as a fixed Rand amount per month. 
  4. Policy is a grouped policy and is annually renewable.


  1. The insurer will not pay any Funeral Benefit or any Extended Family Benefit if Death was directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any of the following: a. active participation in war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not). civil war, rebellion revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power; b. the deceased’s deliberate exposure to exceptional danger, except in an attempt by the deceased to save a human life.
  2. Suicide will be excluded for the first 12 (twelve) months from the commencement date.
  3. A 6 (six) month waiting period for Natural Death from the commencement date of cover for funeral or extended family benefit. The insurer will have no liability for a claim event if Death for any insured is directly or indirectly caused by attributable to no natural causes during this period, unless proof is supplied to the insurer of previous cover for such insured in the 31 (thirty one) day period prior to the commencement date of this Policy, and where such similar cover with the alternate insurer was replaced with this Policy and where the waiting period on such prior policy had already expired; 
  4. There is no waiting period for Accidental Death, cover is immediate provided the first premium has been paid. 
  5. When taking up a higher benefit a 6 months Waiting Period for natural death will apply to the increased amount and not the current benefit cover enjoyed.
  6. When taking over existing affiliation schemes Guardrisk Life Limited will require proof of membership for the Waiting Period for natural death to be waived, if not available the full Waiting Period for natural death will apply.
  7. Children under 6 years will qualify for a maximum of R20 000 cover.
  8. 2 premiums missed will result in the lapsing of the policy. Premiums must be paid for the month and the 12 months premium payment history must show that
    all payments were made monthly. 
  9. The sum assured for Extended Family Members cannot exceed that of the Main Member.
  10. All risk premiums are payable monthly to the insurer in the month in which the premium is received and for which it is due. Should Insurance in respect of a Main Member, his Nominated family member or Extended Family Member cease due to the non-payment of premiums, membership may be reinstated. If reinstatement occurs within 2 (two) months from the date of cessation of cover, no Waiting Period for natural death will be imposed on any Insured life. If reinstatement occurs after 2 (two) months from the date of cessation of cover, the full Waiting Period for natural death will restart from zero. No Insurance cover will be provided during the period between cessation of cover and the date of reinstatement.
  11. Suicide will not be covered during the first (1) year of membership from the date of receipt of the first month’s premium.
  12. A stillborn is not included for cover.


  • Exodec/ Guardrisk Life Limited must be notified of Funeral claims within 6 (six) months of an Insured’s death, even if all the required information is not yet available, it must still be notified of the potential claim. 

 The following information is required to process a Claim (standard claims package): 

Main Member

– Fully completed, signed and stamped claim form;
– Certified Copy of the deceased’s identity document;
– Certified Copy of the death certificate;
– A Copy of the DHA1663 Registration of Death Form;
– Beneficiary’s banking details and proof of address; 
– If the cause of death is unnatural, a completed police report is required. 

Nominated Family Members (e.g. Spouse, additional Spouses, Children, Dependent Children, Extended Family members)

– Fully completed, signed and stamped claim form;
– Certified copy of the Main Member’s identity document;
– If the cause of death is unnatural, a completed police report is required;
– Certified Copy of the deceased’s identity document;
– Certified Copy of the death certificate 
– A copy of the DHA1663 Registration of Death Form;
– Certified Copy of the Beneficiary’s identity document;
– Beneficiary’s banking details and proof of address. 
  • A maximum period of 6 (six) months from the date of Death is permitted t submit all funeral claim requirements. Failure to comply with this will result in closure of the file and no further evidence being considered for assessment and processing of a Claim, unless there are extenuating circumstances acceptable to the insurer for the late submission. 


Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We will take the necessary measures to ensure that any and all information, including Personal Information (as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013) provided by you or which is collected from you is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and further, is stores in a safe and secure manner.
You hereby agree to give honest, accurate and up-to-date Personal Information and to maintain and update such information when necessary. You accept that Your Personal Information collected by Us may be used for the following reasons:
  •  to establish and verify Your identity in terms of the Applicable Laws;
  • to enable Us to fulfil Our obligations in terms of this Policy;
  • to enable Us to take the necessary measures to prevent any suspicious or fraudulent activity in terms of the Applicable Laws; and
  • reporting to the relevant Regulatory Authority/Body, in terms of the Applicable Laws.

We may share Your information for further processing, with the following third parties, which third parties have an obligation to keep Your Personal Information
secure and confidential:
  • Payment processing service providers, merchants, banks and other persons that assist with the processing of Your payment instructions;
  • Law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies and other persons tasked with the prevention and prosecution of crime;
  • Regulatory authorities, industry ombudsmen, governmental departments, local and international tax authorities, and other persons that We, in
    accordance with the Applicable Laws, are required to share Your Personal Information with;
  • Credit Bureaus;
  • Our service providers, agents and sub-contractors that We have contracted with, to offer and provide products and services to any Policyholder in
    respect of this Policy; and
  • Persons to whom We cede Our rights or delegate Our authority to, in terms of this Policy.

You acknowledge that any Personal Information supplied to Us in terms of this Policy is provided according to the Applicable Laws.
Unless consented to by Yourself, We will not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise make available Your Personal Information (such as Your name, address,
email address, telephone or fax number) to any other parties and You indemnify Us from any claims resulting from disclosures made with Your consent.
You understand that if we have utilised Your Personal Information contrary to the Applicable Laws, You have the right to lodge a complaint with Guardrisk within
10 (ten) days. Should Guardrisk not resolve the complaint to Your satisfaction, You have the right to escalate the complaint to the Information Regulator.


You will be informed of any material changes to the information about the Intermediary, Insurer and or Underwriting Manager provided above. If we fail to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you may submit your complaint to the Ombudsman of Long-Term Insurance.
  • You will always be given a reason for the repudiation of Your claim.
  • If the Insurer wishes to cancel Your policy, the Insurer will give you 31 days written notice, to your last known address.
  • You will always be entitled to a copy of your policy at no extra charge.



  • Do not sign any blank or partially completed application form.
  • Complete all forms in ink.
  • Keep notes of what is said to You and all documents handed to You.
  • Where applicable, call recordings will be made available to You within 7 (seven) days of request.
  • Don’t be pressurized to buy the product.
  • Failure to provide correct or full relevant information may influence an Insurer on any claims arising from Your contract of insurance.

©Retail Engage (PTY) Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
bonsella® Elect Funeral policies underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limited a licensed life insurer and an authorized financial service provider (FSP No 76). Email: info@guardrisk.co.za Web:http://www.guardrisk.co.za
This site and its contents do not constitute financial advice. Terms and conditions apply.



The period in which the Main Member can option out of the Policy should he/she no longer wish to take up the Policy. Should you not be satisfied with the Policy, You are entitled to a period up to 31 days from the date of receipt of the Policy within which You may cancel Your Policy in
writing at no cost provided no Claim has arisen or any benefit paid. Cover will cease upon cancellation of the Policy. All premiums paid by the Policyholder to the Insurer up to the date of receipt of the cancellation notice will be refunded to the Policyholder.